Observed and urbanization-adjusted annual maximum peak discharge and associated urban fraction and precipitation values at USGS streamgage:

Observed annual peak-flood magnitudes were adjusted to 2010 land-use conditions on the basis of panel data regression model with fixed effect analysis.  The symbols presented in the figure are: "observed annual peaks", "adjusted annual peaks", and   "fraction of urbanization in the watershed"

Legend for Graph

Water year Segment Discharge code Cumulative reservoir storage (acre-feet) Urban fraction Precipitation (inches) Observed peak discharge (ft3/s) Adjusted peak discharge (ft3/s) Exceedance probability
1961 1 -- 0 0.627 1.699 389 509 0.212
1962 1 -- 0 0.641 0.226 334 442 0.342
1963 1 -- 0 0.655 1.312 303 402 0.447
1964 1 -- 0 0.669 1.089 316 412 0.423
1965 1 -- 0 0.683 0.583 311 400 0.451
1966 1 -- 0 0.697 2.072 449 548 0.173
1967 1 -- 0 0.711 0.946 342 424 0.391
1968 1 -- 0 0.725 2.387 388 467 0.281
1969 1 -- 0 0.739 1.371 367 439 0.349
1970 1 -- 0 0.753 2.757 406 474 0.266
1971 1 -- 0 0.758 0.376 335 397 0.460
1972 1 -- 0 0.764 1.573 343 403 0.444
1973 1 -- 0 0.770 0.498 307 361 0.551
1975 1 -- 0 0.781 1.504 239 284 0.769
1976 1 -- 0 0.787 1.782 177 217 0.921
1977 0 -- 685 0.792 1.612 233 -- --
1978 0 -- 685 0.798 1.274 236 -- --
1979 0 -- 685 0.804 0.841 271 -- --
1980 0 -- 685 0.809 0.836 216 -- --